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Pure Boer Breeding

Sr.No Types of Breed Male Price Female Price
1. Pure Boer 1500 Rs./ Kg 3000-3500 Rs./ Kg

The Boer goat is a breed of goat that was developed in South Africa in the early 1900s for meat production. Their name is derived from the Afrikaans (Dutch) word "boer", meaning farmer. Boer goats are a popular breed for meat and their breeding season starts in August and runs through December. Mixed goats are best for small herds because of the genetics in Boer for meat and the genetics in the other goat.

Pure Sojat Breeding

Sr.No Types of Breed Male Price Female Price
1. Pure Sojat 550-650 Rs./ Kg 550-650 Rs./ Kg

Sojat breed is cross of Jamunapari and say this is a kind of Jamunapari Goats. There is a great variation in coat color but they are generally white in color, and occasionally patches of tan or black are found on the body. The ears are very long, flat and drooping. Both sexes are found mostly without horned with short and thin tail. A thin growth of hair is present on the body, known as feathers. The breed has well developed udder round in shape with large conical teats. The weight of Sojat goats are very heavy and good for meat purpose.

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Sirohi Goat Breeding

Sr.No Types of Breed Male Price Female Price
1. Pure Sirohi 380 Rs./ Kg 380 Rs./ Kg

The Sirohi goat is a compact, medium-sized breed native to the Sirohi district of Rajasthan located in western India. Sirohi goats have a predominantly brown coat, with light or dark brown patches. On occasion, the coat may be completely white in colour. Most sirohi goats are wattled and have medium-sized flat leaf-like drooping ears.

Pure Barbari Goat Breeding

Sr.No Types of Breed Male Price Female Price
1. Pure Barbari ---- Rs./ Kg ---- Rs./ Kg

The Barbari goat is a dwarf meat goat breed that is found in Uttar Pradesh, as well as Gujarat in India and Jhelum and Sargodha districts in Punjab Province

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Pure Jamunapari Goat Breeding

Sr.No Types of Breed Male Price Female Price
1. Pure Jamunapari 700-750 Rs./ Kg 700-750 Rs./ Kg

amnapari (or Jamunapari) is a breed of goat originating from Indian subcontinent. Since 1953 they have been imported to Indonesia (popular as Etawa goat, and its mixture with a local goat called "PE", peranakan Etawa or Etawa mix) where they have been a great success. It is bred for both milk and meat.The name is derived from the rivers Yamuna, Jamuna (West Bengal) and Jamuna of India

Pure Saanen Goat Breeding

Sr.No Types of Breed Male Price Female Price
1. Pure Saanen 3000-3500 Rs./ Kg 3000-3500 Rs./ Kg

Saanen goats are a white or cream-colored breed of goat, named for the Saanen valley in Switzerland. By the late 19th century they had spread across Europe, and in the early 20th century were brought to the US. In the 21st century, they are among the most popular dairy goat breeds, due to their high productivity and ease of management.

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